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Yamato Scientific Co., Ltd.

- Company Name:
- Yamato Scientific Co., Ltd.
- Representative's name:
- Location:
- Harumi Triton Square Office Tower Y (36F) ,1-8-11 Harumi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-6136, JAPAN
- Tel:
- +81 3-5548-7122
- Fax:
- E-mail:
- URL:
- Products:
- Clean Bench,Clean Oven,Cold Trap,Freeze Dryer,CO2 Incubator,Water Bath,Oil Bath,Heating Block,Cooling Water Circulator,Chiller,Electric Furnace,Fine Oven,Forced Convection Oven,Oven,Freeze Dryer,Fume Hood,Incubator,Inert Oven,Conveyor Oven,Vacuum Oven,Autoclave,Clean Oven,IR Oven,Loop Cinerator,Low Temperature Bath,Magnetic Stirrer,Nitrogen Gas Generator,Natural Convection Oven ,Plasma Cleaner, Plasma Reactor,Plasma Modifier,Rotary Evaporator,Shaker,Spray Dryer,Sterilizer,Dry Sterilizer,Ultrasonic Homogenizer,Hot Plate,Stirrer,Touch Mixer,Washer,Ultrasonic Pipet Washer,Water Purifier,Distillation,Ion-exchange
- Sales Points:
- Yamato Scientific was originally founded in 1889 as “Sosuke Morikawa & Company” and focused mainly on the production and sale of medical glass in Nihonbashi, Tokyo.
Now Yamato Scientific, as a manufacturer of scientific instruments, research facilities, analytical instruments, industrial inspection devices, and medical equipment, actively develops and broadens our horizons as a business that deals in high-tech instruments that require production technology along with research and development.
We support innovation of research development and production technologies of corporations, universities and research institutes that represent Japan’s slogan, “Science Technology Forged Nation” and “Productive Country”. Our basic business policy is to contribute to the progress and the development of science technology by combining our know-how and experience accumulated over 130-year long history.
- Images: