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- Location:
- 2500 Hagisono, Chigasaki, Kanagawa, 253-8522, Japan
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- Products:
- Scanning XPS Microprobe, Laboratory Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy, Time-of-Flight SIMS (TOF-SIMS), Dynamic SIMS, Scanning Auger Microprobe (SAM/AES), Customized Surface Analysis Instruments, Optional Subsystems for Surface Analysis Instruments and High-speed Spectroscopic Ellipsometer.
- Sales Points:
- ULVAC-PHI, the world's leading manufacturer of UHV surface analysis instrumentation used for research and development of advanced materials in a number of high technology fields. ULVAC-PHI’s innovative XPS, AES, and SIMS technologies provide our customers with unique tools to solve challenging materials problems and accelerate the development of new materials and products.
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS/ESCA) is the most widely used surface analysis technique and has many well established industrial and research. XPS provides quantitative elemental and chemical state information from surfaces and thin film structures. The information XPS provides is important for many industrial and research applications where surface or thin film composition plays a critical role in performance. XPS is applied to a diverse range of materials applications including: polymers, metals, catalysts, thin films, photovoltaics, batteries, wear coatings, nanomaterials, semiconductor devices, magnetic storage media, display technology, and biomedical devices.
ULVAC-PHI XPS instruments are the only XPS instruments that are equipped with a micro-focused, raster scanned, x-ray beam that provides the unique capabilities associated with scanning XPS microprobe while maintaining an uncompromised large area spectroscopy capability.
Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) is a key analytical technique for detecting, identifying, and imaging the distribution of both elements and organic molecules on the surface of materials. TOF-SIMS is the only imaging mass spectrometry technique that provides less than 70 nm spatial resolution.
The PHI nanoTOFII, our TOF-SIMS instruments platform has established itself as uniquely capable of providing superior analytical data, even on the most challenging samples. The nanoTOFII includes the innovative TRIFT mass spectrometer technology now designed to accept PHI’s new and revolutionary Parallel Imaging MS/MS option. This patented option dramatically simplifies TOF-SIMS data interpretation and peak identification without compromising spatial resolution and speed. For the first time, unambiguous identification is possible for high mass molecular ions, transforming peak identification from “I think” to “I know!”
The PHI 710, our Scanning Auger Nanoprobe is a unique, high performance Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) instrument that provides elemental and chemical state information from sample surfaces and nano-scale features, thin films, and interfaces. Designed as a high performance Auger Nanoprobe, not an SEM with Auger capabilities, the PHI 710 provides the superior Auger imaging performance, spatial resolution, sensitivity, and the spectral energy resolution needed to address your most demanding AES applications.
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