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Sato Keiryoki Mfg. Co., Ltd.

- Company Name:
- Sato Keiryoki Mfg. Co., Ltd. International Trading Div.
- Representative's name:
- Location:
- 3-4, Kanda-kajicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0045 Japan
- Tel:
- +81 3-3254-8117
- Fax:
- +81 3-3254-8123
- E-mail:
- URL:
- Products:
- Glass thermometers, Industrial thermometers, Bimetal thermometers, Waterproof digital thermometers, Infrared thermometers, Precision hair hygrometers, Thermohygrographs, Assmann psychrometer, Dataloggers, Aneroid barometer, Barograph, pH meters, Refractometers, Timers
- Sales Points:
- Our company SATO was founded in 1950 as a manufacturer of glass thermometers. Since then, under the concept of "Measuring the Earth and the Future", we continue to develop the instruments that measure the environment matched to the needs in the time
You can surely find the instruments suitable to your requirements from our products line below.
For measuring temperature
Standard glass thermometers, Model SK-L200TII datalogger, Model SK-1260 and SK-270WP series waterproof digital thermometers, Model SK-8950 (circle laser market type) and SK-8300 (wide measuring range type) infrared thermometers
For measuring humidity and temperature
SK-L200THII Alpha datalogger, Sigma II series thermohygrographs, Precision hair hygrometers, Assmann psychrometers
Meteorological instruments
Aneroid barometer, Barograph, Rain gauge, Event Recorder, Airplane type wind speed and direction indicator with alarm, 3-cup anemometer
In addition, SATO is authorized as a national accredited calibration body for humidity measurement by the Japanese Government. Calibration certificates are available on charge basis.
Please contact us whenever you are looking for the measuring instruments.
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