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- Company Name:
- Representative's name:
- Location:
- MINAMISENBA Bldg, 4-11-28, Minami-Senba, Chuo-ku, Osaka, 5420081, JAPAN
- Tel:
- 81-6-6282-5420
- Fax:
- 81-6-6282-6725
- E-mail:
- URL:
- Products:
- Standard Liquids for Calibrating Viscometers(CRM:Viscosity Standards)
- Sales Points:
- We, Nippon Grease Co., LTD., have 13 garades of Standard Liquids for Calibrating Viscometers (“SLCVs”), in order to correspond to a wide range of viscosity.
●Our SLCVs, which are Certified Refference Material (CRM), assure the traceability to the National Measurement Standards, and are the only standard which comply with Japanese Industrial Standards (“JIS”).
●Our SLCVs are internationally acceptable because they are calibrated by our calibration laboratory, which is certified by IAJapan that has signed to MRA(Mutual Recognition Arrangement) by ILAC ( International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) / APAC (Asia Pacific Accreditation Cooperation).
●We have been a Japan Calibration Service System (“JCSS”) accredited laboratory (scope: viscosity) since 2012.
●Under the JCSS calibration laboratory accreditation system, our calibration laboratory is assessed and accredited as an Accredited Calibration Laboratory to meet the requirements of the Measurement Law, relevant regulations and ISO/IEC 17025.
●Our SLCVs have contributed to the development of the viscosity measurement based on Japan Industrial Standardization Act and Japan Measurement Act, and furthermore, to the development of peripheral technologies regarding viscosity.
Not only SLCVs, but we have a large lineup of specialty lubricants such as lubricating greases, heat treatment oils, metalworking fluids, and rust preventive oils.
- Images: