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- Company Name:
- Representative's name:
- Location:
- 1-21-8 Hatagaya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0072 Japan
- Tel:
- +81-3-3469-6713
- Fax:
- +81-3-3469-6719
- E-mail:
- URL:
- Products:
- Pyranometer,Silicon Type Sensor,UV Radiometer,Pyrgeometer,Sun Tracker,Pyrheliometer,Sky Scaner,Sunshinell Duration Meter,Spectroradiometer,Portable spectroradiometer,I-V Curve Tracer for Solar Cell Module,Portable I-V Curve Checker,Electron Lifetime & Diffusion Measurement System,Array Tester,MPPT Electric Laod,Spectroradiometer for Solar Simulator,Viscometer,Powder Flow Tester,Surface-tension Meter,Thermal Conductivity Tester,Texture Analyzer,Thin Layer Chromatograph,Circulator, Liquid Stability Tester
- Sales Points:
- One of the world's leading manufacturers of meterological instruments and the only Japanese company certified by the Japan Meteorological Agency as pyranometers calibration center. EKO Instruments is one of the world's leading manufactures of meteorological instruments such as pyranometers, sunshine duration meters, and spectroradiometers. Our pyranometers and sunshine duration meters are even used by the Japan Meteorological Agency for surface meteorological observation and local meteorological observation(AMeDAS), as well as by the NOAA(U.S. National Oceanic and Atomospheric Administration). Our spectroradiometers are used for solar research in several contries and have been established as the global standard. As the only Japanese manufacturer that produces all ISO-class pyranometers, we are recognized as an officially approved supplier of pyranometers calibration by the Japan Meteorological Agency. We obtained ISO 17025 testing laboratory and calibration organization certification for the calibration of pyrheliometers and pyranometers in September 2013. As specialists in solar radiation combine our measurement expertise with the customer's needs.
- Images: