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C&V Technix,Co.,Ltd

- Company Name:
- C&V Technix,Co.,Ltd
- Representative's name:
- Location:
- 3-17,5chome.Fujimicho,Tachikawashi Tokyo 190-0013,Japan
- Tel:
- 81-42-519-1112
- Fax:
- 81-42-519-1113
- E-mail:
- URL:
- Products:
- We Create Valuable products using
Cryogenic and Vacuum technology
since 2012
Portable Gas Analyzer
☆Newest Technology Using IAMS
IAMS: Ion Attachment Mass Spectrometry
Size : 200(W) x 700(D) x 750(H) Weight : 45 kg (CIV-300)
Roll coater
Diagram of CVR-1000
Size : 4800(W) x 2000(D) x 1800(H) Weight : 1200 kg Film width : Max. 1000 mm
- Sales Points:
- ☆Newest Technology Using IAMS
✔No need of sample preparation nor analytical column.
✔Able to screen real-time and on-site.
✔Not only gaseous but solid and liquid sample available.
☆Using IAMS IAMS: Ion Attachment Mass Spectrometry
✔Soft ionization. No fragment occur, no need of carrier gas.
✔Easy to determine. No need of MS expertise.
☆Expiration biomarker
✔Ethane/Pentane : Oxidative stress
✔Ammonia : Kidney failure, Helicobacter pylori infection
✔Acetone : Type 1 diabetic patients
✔Methane : Degradation of intestinal environment
✔13CO : Helicobacter pylori infection
✔Real time expiration biomarker analysis
✔Sick house chemical monitoring
✔Food QC
☆Our RtoR Film forming instrument concept
✔Roll coater for continuously surface-treating to plastic film, metal film and flexible glass.
✔Multi-process film formation combined with 1) plasma CVD, 2) sputtering,
3) vacuum deposition process 4) etching.
✔Flat web transport of drum less
Application and product line up
☆Mass production machine W:500-1000 mm
• Liquid crystal panel • Solar cell • Organic EL panel
☆R&Dmachine W:100-350 mm
• Lithium ion battery • Touch panel • Magnetic thin film (magnetic tape)
• Superconducting cable
- Images: