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- Company Name:
- Representative's name:
- Location:
- 145 Hiratsuka-cho, shimotoba, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto,
- Tel:
- 81-75-611-1100
- Fax:
- 81-75-611-1120
- E-mail:
- URL:
- Products:
- Online water and air quality monitors, Automatic TOC analyzer, COD analyzer, total phosphorus/nitrogen analyzer, silica analyzer, hydrazine analyzer, total cyanide analyzer, total chromium analyzer, phenol analyzer, mercury analyzer, VOC analyzer, NOx/O2 analyzers etc.
- Sales Points:
- Anatec Yanaco manufactures online water and air quality monitoring systems for monitoring water bodies and industrial effluents. The analytical technology is born from repetitive cycles of hypothesis, experimentation and verification tests carried by its devoted engineers from over a century. Yanaco's analyzers are considered one of the best in the environmental monitoring field for their low maintainability, robust and long-lasting nature. Accurate measurements can be obtained for complex sample compositions over a longer period of time without calibration.
All the products are customized as per the customer’s needs and installation environment. Yanaco's automatic total cyanide, phenol and total chromium analyzers are proven to be the go-to analyzer for iron and steel industries and other manufacturing units.
- Images: